May 8, 2013

Being in the company of foster and adoptive parents brings me a warmth that is amazing; peacefulness, safety, comfort, nurture, growth, creativity, exploration, unconditional acceptance and love. They bring out the best in me and encourage my strength and motivation.

Why does the term “foster care” bring up such negativity sometimes? We must educate the greater community about the reality of what compassionate foster families do. Not just foster parents, but their children who share so much of their lives to be a foster family. Random acts of kindness include passing on a good word of support. So take a moment and encourage your family, your friends or a neighbor to speak up and speak out about this great work.

My agency is Hephzibah Children’s Association and we are the oldest charity in Oak Park, 115 this year! We epitomize community-based work and we have the fortune of hosting about 80 fabulous foster families. This is National Foster Parent Appreciation Month and I say BRAVO to foster families because you truly make a difference in the life of a child!

Getting Started

Hello, my name is Davida Ellen Williams and I have been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Child Welfare for over 30 years.  I have spent these many years recruiting, training,  supporting and learning from foster and adoptive families.

I’ve decided to create my blog so that I can share what I have learned over these many enlightening years. I am excited to share my experience on the joys and challenges of caring for foster and adoptive children.